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On the Road to a Better Smile: How to Find the Best Orthodontist

SoHo Dental • October 2, 2019

Finding a great orthodontist is key if you want a better smile. Check out this guide to learn how to find the best orthodontist.

best orthodontist

The first thing 25% of Americans notice about a person is their teeth. A good smile plays an important role in creating a good first impression. A good first impression, in turn, determines whether a person has access to opportunities such as jobs or not.

Besides the smile, self-confidence is an admired quality all over the world. It’s difficult for a person to speak confidently if they’re afraid to show their teeth. A set of straight teeth is a confidence booster.

Whether a person’s teeth are straight or crooked is usually a matter of genetics or environment. Mercifully, the goal of a winning smile is not an unachievable one to those who don’t naturally have it. Orthodontists are trained to help with that.

Finding a good orthodontist is key to finding a better smile. Check out this guide to learn how to find the best orthodontist.

Look for a Trained One

Anyone trained as a dentist can offer orthodontic services but they aren’t specialists. A good number of people offering orthodontic services are general dentists.

However, the best orthodontist is one who has been to university specifically to study orthodontics. The university they attend should be certified by the American Dental Association.

There is a significant difference between an orthodontist and a dentist in as far as skills are concerned. These differences include:

  • A trained orthodontist has at least two years of training after dental school. This is as opposed to general dentists who typically study one course on orthodontics in dental school.
  • As residents, orthodontist receives at least 4,000 hours of experience. Sometimes this goes up to 6,000 hours.
  • A general dentist may attend a two-day lecture on orthodontics and be certified. Two days of training can clearly never be equated to three-year training with 6,000 hours of practical training during residency.

Should Be Registered

American Board of Orthodontists is the body that keeps orthodontists accountable. As a reputable professional body, it’s zealous of the standards in the profession.

An orthodontist certified by this board would have had to go through a vetting process to establish suitability. A patient whose orthodontist is registered would have an opportunity to appeal to the board if need be.

Any client looking to employ the services of an orthodontist should engage one registered with the board.

Good Customer Reviews

A good orthodontist is likely to have their previous clients say good things about them.

Today, most businesses, including orthodontists, are on social media. Social media presence means that a client can look up customer reviews online.

Orthodontists who get good reviews from their previous patients are worth trying. The ones with many negative or mediocre reviews are best avoided.


Over the period of orthodontic treatment, a patient may not be unable to keep the agreed schedule all the time. It’s in the patient’s interest to have a flexible orthodontist.

Patients should find out how the doctor handles cancellations. A client’s time is precious and a good service provider should be willing to accommodate them as much as possible. The orthodontist’s schedule shouldn’t be too fluid either as to have them easily cancel appointments.

Are They Well-Equipped?

The way an office is organized says a lot on the quality of service a patient can expect. A clean, well-organized office, is a good indication that the orthodontist takes his or her work seriously.

A modern office and equipment indicate that the orthodontist keeps abreast with the latest trends in skills and in technology. Some of the equipment you should look out for in a modern office include:

  • Digital x-rays: - These emit about 50% less the radiation produced by film x-rays. Patients need to take a considerable number of x-rays in the course of their treatment. Reduced radiation ensures that they’re protected.
  • 3-D Scanner: - This scanner enables the orthodontist to make electronic models of a patient’s teeth. Having the scanner makes it unnecessary to use traditional models for records.
  • Soft tissue laser: - It’s used to conduct minor procedures on gums. They help with removing of overgrown tissue and in uncovering infected teeth.
  • Mechanical toothbrushes: - Mechanical toothbrushes help in the removal of the white spots that are usually left after the removal of braces. An orthodontist without the brush would leave a patient with spotted teeth.
  • Micro vibration devices: - These are recent inventions that a patient holds in their mouth for about 20 minutes per day. They enhance orthodontic teeth movement by about 35%.

Whenever you visit an orthodontist, be on the lookout for this equipment. They not only ensure effective processes but also safety.


A visit to the orthodontist’s office would allow a potential customer to interact with the staff. The intention of this interaction is to see whether the staff are helpful and friendly.

Orthodontic treatment takes a long time and the doctor’s office becomes a second home for the patient! It’s imperative that the staff be accessible and skilled. If the staff can't make patients feel welcome, the patient would be better off looking elsewhere.

Besides the staff, it’s good for the patient to pay attention to how the orthodontist interacts with them.

The best orthodontist is the one who spends time to listen to the patient and understand their needs. The ability to listen patiently is a mark of a good doctor in any area of specialization. The need to listen is greater in orthodontics. It’s greater because patients who visit orthodontists have their self-esteem impacted by the issues they want to be addressed.

Failure to address those issues, no matter how trivial to the doctor, would leave patients dissatisfied.

The Best Orthodontist in Invisalign Designation

If a patient goes for Invisalign treatment, they’re advised to check for the doctor’s designation. There are four designations offered by Invisalign. These include preferred, premier, premier elite, and diamond. Designations are usually based on the number of patients treated using Invisalign.

A diamond level orthodontist is usually one who has treated 212-878-7646 patients using Invisalign. A patient can, therefore, be confident that the service offered is of the highest possible quality. Orthodontists in lower designation levels also have considerable experience in the service.

With this article as a guide, you can get in touch with us and assess our suitability to serve you.

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