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7 Mistakes in Cleaning Invisalign and How to Avoid Them

SoHo Dental • November 12, 2021

Keeping your Invisalign clean and damage-free requires knowing what can hinder your progress. Here are mistakes in cleaning Invisalign and how to avoid them.

mistakes in cleaning Invisalign

Seven out of 10 people admit they feel self-conscious about their teeth. In fact, 57% feel insecure enough that they cover their mouths when they laugh. About 61% of Americans wish they could change something about their teeth as a result.

If you're feeling insecure about the appearance of your smile, you might consider Invisalign. Starting Invisalign treatment with your dentist in New York, NY can straighten your smile. Then, you can grin with renewed self-confidence! 

Before starting treatment, it's important to understand regular Invisalign maintenance. Mistakes in cleaning Invisalign aligners can impact the appearance of your smile.

For example, discolored aligners can make your smile look dull and dirty, too. Meanwhile, bacteria could impact the effectiveness of your treatment. 

Don't let these mistakes happen! Instead, read on to learn how to avoid making mistakes when cleaning Invisalign trays today.

1. Not Removing Them to Eat

You'll need to wear your Invisalign aligners for about 20 to 22 hours each day. However, it's important to remove your aligners when you eat. Otherwise, food particles and bacteria could impact your aligners.

You should remove your aligners to:

  • Clean the aligners
  • Brush or floss your teeth
  • Eat or drink (beverages besides water)

One of the biggest mistakes in cleaning Invisalign retainers is never taking them out. Otherwise, you'll find they're even more difficult to clean after meals. For example, the remnants of your meal might linger against the clear plastic.

Food colors and dyes might stain the plastic aligners, too.

You could find it's impossible to restore your aligners to their pristine, clean state if you keep them in after you eat.

Food debris could get stuck between the tray and your teeth, too. Food particles and bacteria might damage your gums and enamel as a result.

Instead of unintentionally damaging or discoloring your aligners, take them out when you eat. Make sure to place your aligners in their case during meals.

Once you're done eating, brush and floss to make sure there aren't any lingering food particles on or between your teeth. Otherwise, you could trap the food between your teeth and aligners by putting the aligners on right away. 

Avoiding these mistakes with regular Invisalign maintenance can ensure you maintain your oral health. You can also make sure your aligners look their best throughout the course of your Invisalign treatment.

2. Failing to Rinse Your Aligners

It's not enough to remove your Invisalign trays before meals. It's also important to rinse your trays when you take them out. Otherwise, saliva and bacteria could linger on the Invisalign trays.

Take your aligners out in front of a mirror in the bathroom before each meal. Watch yourself remove your aligners in front of the sink. That way, you have a visual reminder to rinse them off.

Once you rinse your aligners, make sure to put them into your case. Shut the case to keep bacteria at bay.

It's also important to remember that rinsing your trays isn't a replacement for cleaning your trays. Make sure to thoroughly clean your Invisalign trays each night, too. Otherwise, you might find they're more difficult to clean later on.

3. Using Soap and Water

If you want to avoid making mistakes in cleaning Invisalign aligners, follow the right process. Don't clean your aligners using soap. Using the wrong cleaning product could stain or damage the trays.

Using soap might fail to clean the trays, too.

Avoid scented or colored soaps. These products will leave a bad taste in your mouth when you put your trays back in.

Cleaning products that contain dyes might also damage your Invisalign trays.

Avoid using denture cleaners, too. These products could impact the aligners.

Instead, use toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can also use the Invisalign cleaning crystals to keep your trays clean. Using the right Invisalign cleaning tools will keep your trays clear. 

4. Leaving Them Exposed

Remember, you'll want to remove your aligners each time you eat or drink beverages besides water. It's not enough to put them on a paper towel, though. In fact, you could unintentionally toss your aligners out with the trash that way.

Instead, make sure to place your trays in an airtight container. Make sure to shut the container, too.

Otherwise, you could leave your aligners exposed to bacteria. Once you put your aligners back in, the bacteria might harm your teeth. Your risk of tooth decay or gum disease could increase.

Make sure you always have your case on hand.

5. Using Mouthwash

Don't make the mistake of leaving your Invisalign trays to soak in mouthwash.

The alcohol in mouthwash might break down the plastic used to create your trays. Your trays might become warped as a result. If the trays become weakened, it could impact your treatment plan.

The color dye might stain your trays, too, which could impact their ability to remain clear and invisible. 

6. Choosing the Wrong Tools

Consider the Invisalign cleaning tools you're using, too. Otherwise, you might find it's difficult to achieve a thorough, sparkling clean. 

For example, you might consider using a smaller brush to clean nooks and crannies your larger toothbrush can't reach. You can also use Invisalign cleaning crystals to ensure your aligners are clean. 

7. Poor Oral Hygiene

It's not enough to rinse or clean your trays daily, though. Your oral hygiene can impact your Invisalign trays, too. If you want to avoid delaying your treatment, keep up with your oral hygiene routine.

Make sure to brush your teeth after each meal. Floss between every tooth to avoid allowing food particles to linger. Brushing and flossing can help you avoid cavities.

As your teeth get straighter, you'll give food particles fewer placed to hide. 

Otherwise, you could tray bacteria and particles between your teeth and trays, increasing your risk of complications. 

Awesome Aligners: 7 Mistakes in Cleaning Invisalign Aligners to Avoid

Don't make these mistakes in cleaning Invisalign trays. Instead, talk to your dentist in New York, NY. They can walk you through proper, regular Invisalign maintenance. 

With their help, you can start your Invisalign treatment and ensure your trays remain clear and sparkling clean!

Eager to get started? Our dentists in Soho can't wait to see you!

Contact our team today to schedule your next appointment. 

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