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10 Foods That Brighten Tooth Enamel

SoHo Dental • January 17, 2022

Having healthy teeth begins with eating right. Want to keep your smile shiny? Check out our list of foods that whiten teeth and enamel.

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Did you know that you can supplement your diet with foods that offer you many nutritional benefits and whiten your teeth? According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), several foods effectively brighten the teeth naturally and protect the gums from bacteria.

While you still have to visit the best dentist in New York, NY, for a routine dental checkup, dental emergencies, and other procedures, here are several foods that you can eat to brighten stained teeth and keep your gums and teeth more robust.

1. Strawberries

2. Broccoli

Consuming crunchy vegetables such as broccoli is suitable for general well-being and teeth. To get the best that broccoli offers your teeth, you should consume them raw.

Broccoli contains very high levels of iron which coats the teeth to prevent things like acid erosion, stains, and harmful bacteria. With broccoli, you will have a brighter-looking smile and enjoy its nutritional value. 

3. Pineapples

Pineapples contain an enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme is a mixture of proteases, which are two protein-digesting enzymes. While this enzyme breaks down amino acids and digests proteins, it also breaks up plaque on the teeth and works as a natural stain remover.

Note that plaque produces harmful acids that can quickly erode the tooth enamel. This can also result in dental cavities. Visit your dentist for regular teeth cleaning to prevent cavities.

4. Keep the Dentist in New York NY Away With Apples

Keep the doctor away and whiten your teeth at the same time with a daily dose of apples. If you want to limit your visits to a dentist in New York NY, you may start consuming more apples.

Apples are not only sweet and nutritious, but they are also crunchy and can work as a natural scrub for the teeth. As you bite and chew the apples, it will clean your teeth and remove the stains.

Like strawberries, apples contain a high concentration of malic acid, which promotes the secretion of extra saliva and removes and prevents stains. Additionally, since the fruit requires a lot of chewing, you can be sure that it will scrub all the particles from the teeth and leave them clean and white.

5. Cheese

Dairy products such as cheese rich in phosphorus, protein, and calcium are good for oral hygiene. These nutrients help to fight mouth acids which can erode the teeth. Additionally, calcium and phosphorus help to remineralize and repair the teeth.

If you choose to brighten your teeth and improve your oral hygiene with cheese, it may be best to opt for low-fat cheese. This way, you will prevent saturated fat from harming your heart and have a brighter smile.

Additionally, chewing cheese stimulates saliva production, which washes away food particles and stains. Other dairy products such as milk and yogurt contain lactic acid calcium, which will also whiten and strengthen your teeth.

6. Orange Peels

Did you know that orange peels are rich in several nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, riboflavin, provitamin A, calcium, vitamin B6 / thiamine, and folate? Unlike the fruit itself, orange peels aren’t acid, making them perfect for the teeth.

Thanks to their antibacterial properties, orange peels can protect your teeth from dental carries and whiten them too. The limonene in the peels also works as a natural solvent and scent and can give you fresher breath.

However, since the fruits are exposed to pesticides, ensure you wash them thoroughly before using them. After that, rub the white inner part of the peel across the surfaces of your teeth thoroughly.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda is yet another active ingredient in toothpaste. This food product has long been used as a DIY tooth whitening remedy. Baking soda removes plaque from the teeth, making them whiter and brighter.

Brush your teeth with this product straight from the box once in a while, or buy toothpaste that contains a higher level of baking soda.

8. Seeds and Nuts

Nuts and seeds work like teeth exfoliants. They strip stains from the teeth and leave them clean and white. Consuming almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, cashews, and sunflower seeds can help buff away discoloration.

Sesame seeds are the best for scrubbing plaque from the teeth. These seeds also contain calcium and will strengthen your bones and teeth.

9. Celery

Like apples, celery is crunchy and will help clean the teeth. This vegetable helps in the production of extra saliva, which helps prevent plaque development. Since celery is chewy, it will also keep gum tissue healthy and improve your oral health.

10. Water

Water not only keeps you hydrated but helps to prevent stains from sticking to your teeth. After drinking or eating foods that stain the teeth, such as coffee or red wine, Swishing water can help maintain a brighter and whiter smile.

Water also reduces the level of acidity in the mouth, preventing damages to the enamel. A good tip is to drink flat water instead of sparkling water.

Use These Tips to Keep Your Teeth Brighter

While these natural teeth whitening remedies are suitable for a brighter smile and beautiful teeth, you want to ensure good overall dental health. This means scheduling a regular dental checkup with a dentist in New York NY. Your dentist will repair and clean your teeth and mouth professionally to ensure good oral hygiene.

If you are looking for the best dental services, including cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening, get in touch with us today.

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