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What Is a Tooth Extraction? Is It Necessary?

SoHo Dental • February 24, 2022

Are you looking for a dentist in New York, NY, for a tooth extraction? Read on to learn everything you need to know on the subject.

Dentist New York, NY, Dentist in New York, NY

Up to 44% of people experience dental pain each year, but did you ever consider that you might need to have a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction can be a scary procedure if you're not familiar with the process. Thankfully, there are many advances in the dental field that can put you at ease and help manage your pain. If you're looking to have a tooth extraction with a dentist in New York, NY, here are some important takeaways. 

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

6 Reasons Why You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

Even though there are times when a tooth may be saved from removal, sometimes an extraction is necessary. Here are some reasons why your dentist might want you to have a tooth extracted.

1. Decay

With proper brushing and healthy oral habits, you can ward off tooth decay. However, sometimes decay can spread to the root of the tooth and cause unrepairable decay. While a root canal may stop the spread and save your tooth, this isn't always the case and a tooth extraction is the only way to stop the decay from spreading.

2. Overcrowding

Overcrowding is when you have teeth that are too close or overlapping. Overcrowding makes it difficult for other teeth to emerge which is the case with many children, or if your teeth are too large and harming the other teeth. If you're having orthodontia work, and you have tooth crowding, your dentist may recommend having a tooth extraction to make more room.

3. Infection

As with decay, sometimes infections occur in your mouth or your teeth, and this can be due to cavities or other dental problems like abscesses. When an infection happens, it must be resolved quickly to prevent the spread of infection. If the infection is unable to be contained or stopped, your dentist might issue a tooth extraction to save the remaining teeth. 

4. Trauma

Trauma to the tooth is instances like accidents or injuries that occur that impact your teeth. If the trauma to the tooth is too severe, and the tooth cannot be saved, your dentist may recommend extracting it, especially if you're in pain. There are possible repairs, like bridges or veneers to preserve the tooth but these are not always possible. 

5. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a type of gum disease that affects the gums, bones, and ligaments of your teeth. The first stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis, which is reversible, but can progress into periodontal disease if it's not taken care of. If the periodontal disease becomes too advanced, you may need a tooth extraction because of the extent of the disease. 

Preparing for Your Tooth Extraction

Preparing for tooth extraction can be an unnerving experience. However, with the best dentist in NY, you'll find that you feel confident that they understand the procedure and have the skill to extract your tooth with as little pain as possible. 

Here are some things you can expect during a tooth extraction. 

There are two basic types of extractions: simple extraction and surgical extraction. A simple extraction is when the dentist can see the tooth and you only need a local anesthetic to numb the pain.

A surgical extraction is when the dentist needs to make an incision in the gum to extract the tooth. This requires a different anesthetic and you may choose to be "asleep" for the entire procedure. Once the extraction is over, the dentist will give you take-home instructions on how to care for your tooth. 

Whether or not you're having a simple or surgical procedure will depend on the severity of the problem with the tooth and what your dentist believes is the best treatment. 

Before you have a tooth extraction, you'll have a consultation with your dentist and they can explain the procedure and everything you need to know. The best dentist may encourage you to ask any additional questions. The dentist may recommend that you refrain from eating certain foods, smoking, or if you're sick before the procedure. 

After Your Tooth Extraction

Once the extraction is complete, your dentist gives you take-home instructions on what to expect from your recovery. You will need to keep gauze in place to stop the bleeding for an hour or so, and your dentist may prescribe pain medications to control the pain. Drinking from a straw is not recommended, and you may need an ice pack to calm the swelling for a while.

You may expect some swelling, pain, discomfort, or bleeding after your extraction. You must follow all take-home instructions so that you can heal properly. If you have any questions about your procedure, or if there's excessive bleeding or pain that you cannot control, reach out to your dentist.

Tooth Extraction With a Dentist in New York, NY

When you require a tooth extraction, you can rest assured that sometimes having it removed is the best thing to do to preserve your teeth. Choose a dentist in New York, NY today to help you with your tooth extraction.

Are you looking for a Dentist in New York, NY? Our dental office is happy to help! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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